Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I need to stop going out. I'm sabatoging my own efforts! We went out to pint night last night and however many calories I did burn on my run were consumed in beer and then some. I'm seeing a pattern here. At least for now, I need to cut the booze out or at least cut back a lot. Lately I haven't really been going out too much, maybe just once a week. But this week has been especially bad. Saturday and Sunday I had night rentals at work so we went out to dinner beforehand. Money and calories poorly spent. Then on top of that, we did pint night last night.

I need to save my money, my liver, and my body and just knock it off for a while!

On a somewhat related note, I've been doing pretty damn good quitting smoking. I have only smoked on days that I've gone out, and I only had two or three at most. Thank you E-Cig, you a life saver. My lungs (and wallet) thank you.

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