Saturday, October 29, 2011

10.27 and 10.29.2011 workouts.

So this weekend I was a lazy waste of space for the most part. Thursday after work, I went for a leisurely (but still heart pumping) bike ride with the roommate. We were out for about an hour and then we got back and I got ready to go out with the girls.

I was feeling pretty rough on Friday and spent most of my day on the couch. Once evening came around, we got our costumes prepped and headed downtown to the Dia de los Muertes festival and enjoyed friends, live music, and drinks. It was so much fun, but today I repeated the 'lie on the couch and watch tv all day' thing. I made it a point to watch Hocus Pocus, which I have been wanting to watch for over a week now.

Afterward, I was going to back out of a run but decided against it. I ended up doing 2.93 miles in 32:50, putting me at just slightly over an 11:00 min/mile pace. I felt really good today and really felt like I could have gone for four or five miles, but my knee was getting a little irked. I'm going to stretch out really well after I shower before I head to bed.

I have been eating so much asparagus and butternut squash. But alas, I have eaten all of my stock over the past few days. Dinner tonight was those tasty veggies, plus a turkey burger with HOMEMADE PICKLES, a delicious treat complements of the roommate.

Official half marathon training starts on November 1st. Pretty stoked.

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