Sunday, December 25, 2011

take that, holidays!

There's something so very satisfying about knowing that you kicked ass this week on the fitness front. I did all my scheduled runs PLUS some. Thursday was a travel day for me so there was no working out. Friday I made it to a zumba class at my favorite studio here in town and it totally kicked my ass. I wore my heart rate monitor and found that I burned 672 calories during the hour!

Saturday I was a little too sore from zumba to get my five mile run in, so instead I went to the gym with my mom and did an easy 45 minute elliptical work out. I only burned about 350 calories but I figured it was better than doing nothing at all.

This morning, even with some congestion and the feelings of a head cold, I got my ass out there and ran my five miles! I'm not going to say it felt good, because it was hard and I was fighting the wind and some achy legs, but I did get a second wind as I was finishing up my last mile and I completed the run in 53:22. Still at a sub-11:00 min/mile. I need to do some serious stretching today. In fact, I will do that as soon as I hop off the computer.

Since I have a temporary guest pass for my mom's gym until I leave town, I think tomorrow morning I'll get one last visit in before I hit the road. I'm definitely just going to walk on the treadmill. I need something very light! I haven't been sore from working out in so long, so I want to get some active recovery in.

My feet stink, that means it's time to shower. But first - a damn good stretching session! Merry Christmas, y'all!

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