Saturday, December 17, 2011

bright and early run.

Well, maybe not as early as I had wanted, but I still woke up around 8:20AM, grabbed a quick snack (today was peanut butter on half a whole wheat english muffin), and headed out for my run at 9AM sharp. I did 4.52 miles in 47:42, setting me at a 10:33 min/mile. Excellent! I felt pretty good throughout most of the run, I definitely slugged through a few sections of it but in the end my time was pretty strong. For me, at least. I've got to work on getting these long runs started earlier and earlier. Baby steps.

I missed my Thursday run this week. It's the second week in a row that I've done that. I'm going to get my shit together this week and shake this laziness. I'm doing my week runs on Monday/Wednesday this week, since Thursday after work I'll be traveling home for the holidays. I plan on doing my long run on Saturday just as planned! I've got five miles to do and I swear if I end up doing it at the gym on a treadmill I will cry.

We are having an ugly sweater Christmas party at my place tonight. I'm making guacamole and sweet potato chips/fries (haven't decided yet). I'm looking forward to it!

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