Sunday, December 4, 2011


Yesterday was ridiculous. I was a bit ambitious, I think. I did my run in the morning and after going to a cold stunned turtle training session I lounged for a little bit. When it starts to near time to head downtown, Roommate asks if I want to bike. I decided it sounded like a great idea so off we went. It about 7 miles downtown, and it ended up being about 50 minutes.

Once we got downtown we paid for the race and then I started running. I was running with a friend's man, who has long legs and a huge stride, so I was just trying to keep up the pace with him. The run was actually only about a mile and a half, but we did it in 12:50, making the run a 8:33 min/mile. WTF. No wonder I was dying. But I did it and we were done and then we went to have a few beers.

Around 9PM we started the bike back home, which was miserable. My legs were so tired, well, really my whole body was tired. But we finally made it and my legs hurt and my butt hurt from the bike seat and I was so glad to get home to a hot shower and crawling into bed. I think I burned about 1,500 calories with everything I did. Craaazy.

While it really was a great day and I'm glad I moved around so much, I can honestly say that I am grateful I don't have to run again 'till Tuesday.

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