Thursday, December 29, 2011

cough, cough.

I'm still a bit congested from the holiday sinus infection that I contracted at the end of my break, but overall I'm feeling better. I held off on my Tuesday run in order to rest, but I got right back on the saddle yesterday. I did my Tuesday replacement run. So it was 4.06 miles in 45:53. At about an 11:15 min/mile pace, it was slower than most of my runs have been lately, but I was taking it pretty easy since I'm still getting over the sickness. I had a couple of knee twinges, more discomfort than pain, but I finished the whole route and did a good cool down afteward. I stretched quite a bit once I got home.

I'm noticing that the pup's endurance has increased, as well! Good for her. She used to give me 'let's please stop' looks after the first mile and a half of our three mile runs, now she keeps a steady pace even through four milers. You go, girl.

I'm going to attempt to get back in line for the week with a run tonight. I'm scheduled for another four miles, but since I just did four yesterday, had a little bit of knee discomfort, AND I have a birthday dinner to go to and am short on time, I may cut it down to three miles instead. I'll see how I feel, I suppose. I want to do some yoga tonight, as well.

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