Saturday, December 3, 2011

lots of running today.

I actually woke up at 7:30AM this morning to run. That is almost unheard of for me. I grabbed a bowl of oatmeal and was out the door by 8AM. I did my four scheduled miles, and let me tell you, today is was tough. My legs were tired and it seemed to drag. I think it's hard for me to run in the mornings. When I run in the evenings, my body is all limbered up and loose from a day of working/doing whatever. Morning runs are kind of a shock to my body. I hope they get easier! I definitely need to get my long runs done in the mornings because the race is in the morning and I want to be used to it. Plus, I need to figure out what does and does not work for fueling and whether I should eat a big meal the night before and just a small breakfast or if I need to eat more in the morning. We'll see. This run was a challenge though, both mentally and physically.

I still have the 3K to run tonight. I'm going to eat some macaroni and cheese for lunch since I'm running so much today. I've got some turkey burgers cooking right now, too.

I'll be back with another race recap later tonight or some time tomorrow.

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