Wednesday, December 14, 2011


It's true - I have been bitten by the lazy bug. I missed my Thursday run last week in lieu of my work Christmas party. I did do my Saturday 4 mile run, in spite of the nasty weather. I ran in on the treadmill like a trooper, finished in about 42 minutes, I think. So 2/3 runs last week. Not terrible buuut...

...this week I'm off to a bad start. I didn't do my Tuesday run yesterday out of sheer laziness. When I got home from work I sat on the couch for a while and then ended up going out for a friend's birthday. I have absolutely every intention of going today. I'm scheduled for a four mile run but I think I might cut it down to three and a half. When I formulated my training scheduled, I didn't have much to go off of. Now I'm realizing how to do this smarter and am cutting down any week run that is more than four miles. I want to keep my Tuesday/Thursday runs between three and four and stick to doing the longer runs just once a week. This week since my 'long' run is 4.5 miles, I figure I'll do a 3.5 as a 'shorter' run.

Well, now I'm just incessantly rambling so goodbye!

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