Sunday, July 29, 2012

and so training season begins again...

Last week was a pretty damn good week. I worked out almost every day. Heeeeeeeeere's the breakdown:
  • Monday - Zumba
  • Tuesday - full body strength training, 2.5 mile run
  • Wednesday - Zumba
  • Thursday - full body strength training
  • Friday - 3 mile run, zumba
I missed my Saturday Body Pump plans. I was a little disappointed but I needed the rest. The running has been tough this week. Especially that 3 mile one. It took me about 35 minutes to run a 5K. That seems a little pathetic for me. I guess I can't expect to be kicking ass right from the get go, but it's so disheartening to see (and feel) how much endurance I've lost. I used to run 4 miles a few times a week, no problem. I've gotta get back to that point!

This week is going to be a little off since I'm traveling out of town for a job interview mid-week. This is my tentative plan:
  • Sunday - full body strength training
  • Monday - 4 mile run in the AM before work
  • Tuesday - full body strength training in AM before hitting the road
  • Wednesday - walking
  • Thursday - Zumba
  • Friday - 3 mile run and/or Zumba
  • Saturday - Body Pump, 4 mile run (first run of half marathon training!)
I've gotta get my fill of Studio Vida! Zumba while I'm home. I sure do love that place.

I can't believe my fall half marathon training is already starting. Fuck, I am not ready.

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