Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Last week was a pretty big bust. I only did zumba twice, I think. That was it. I can chalk it up to it being my birthday week and wanting to celebrate, but the fact of the matter is - I was being lazy. 100% lazy (well, maybe 90% since I did go to zumba twice). But I'm getting my shit back into gear with my eating and working out. Here's the plan for another fun-filled week:
  • Monday - Zumba
  • Tuesday - strength training in AM, 2.5 mile run PM
  • Wednesday - Zumba
  • Thursday - strength training in AM, 3 mile run PM
  • Friday - Zumba
  • Saturday - Body Pump
No excuses this week, damnit.

This morning I got up at 6AM and headed to the gym for a 30 minute lifting session. It has been about two weeks since I went and lifted (not counting Body Pump, which wasn't so much heavy lifting but lots of repititions - it still kicked my ass, though). This morning consisted of:
  • 3x15 squats - 40 lbs. barbell
  • 3x14 lunges - 30 lbs. dumbells
  • 3x15 overhead press - 30 lbs. barbell
  • 2x12 tricep kickback - 10 lbs. dumbell
  • 3x15 bent row - 40 lbs. barbell
Isn't that so interesting? I'm sure you are on the edge of your seat.

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