Monday, July 2, 2012

Today was another delightful paleo day! I'm really enjoying the paleo eating so far. I feel more energetic and cleaner. I have eaten non-paleo things (ie: drunk whataburger... and alcohol...) but I'm trying to cut more and more of those things out. After my hell of a hangover on Friday I have zero desire to drink again anytime soon. Here's what my food day looked like:
  • breakfast - two eggs scrambled with spinach, onion, and broccoli
  • lunch - shredded crock pot chicken meat on a bed of romaine lettuce
  • dinner - four slices of extra lean turkey bacon with half a bundle of asparagus cooked in olive oil, three Dove dark chocolate squares (not paleo but a perfect dessert)
  • snacks throughout the day - pineapple, cherries, carrots and homemade guacamole, an ounce of walnuts
I don't feel hungry when I eat this way. I also don't get my typical midday tiredness at work, I've noticed. Delightful!

After work I went to the gym to do my planned two miles. I did a five minute warm up walk then ran for 22 minutes at an 10:54 min/mile pace. The workout the treadmill set me on was 30 minutes, so I lowered the pace a bit and ran the last three minutes at 5MPH, or a 12 min/mile pace. Then I walked for five minutes as my cool down. I have decided to run a 5K on my birthday, so I've got to get back up into the longer runs.

It is 9:01PM and I am in bed. I like this.

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