Thursday, July 19, 2012


It's already been nine days since I posted?! Damn, time flies. I have been keeping up with my workouts for the most part... my mom came to visit last weekend so my eating wasn't the best, but I stuck with working out. Hmmm, let me see if I can remember how last week went...
  • Sunday - full body strength training
  • Monday - 2.5 mile run
  • Tuesday - full body strength training
  • Wednesday - Zumba
  • Thursday -2.5 mile run
  • Friday - rested
  • Saturday - Body Pump
Dude. Body Pump. It was freaking awesome and HARD. I was sore for three days afterward. Seriously.

Here's what this week has been/will be...ish:
  • Sunday - zumba
  • Monday - rest
  • Tuesday - rest
  • Wednesday - zumba
  • Thursday - full body strength training, 2 mile run
  • Friday - zumba
  • Saturday - MY BIRTHDAAAAAAY! 5K birthday run, full body strength training
So yeah. My food has sucked for the most part the past few days. I've had a slice of cake for dinner three nights in a row. I'm going to get back onto my fairly rigid paleo diet. I think I'd like to have seafood for my birthday, so I'm sure I can still stick to the paleo pretty well even with going out to eat. I will probably have a few glasses of wine, too... I know, I know. But it's my birthday!

I don't want to overdo it, though, because I have plans for Sunday to get shit done, seeing as it's my only day off. I want to make pickles.

Training has to start for my upcoming races soon... crazy!

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