Friday, July 6, 2012

oh hunger, where art thou?

I woke up at 7AM this morning, my day off, thanks to my dog. She's lucky she's cute. She wakes me up in the best way - cuddling. She jumps in my bed and wiggles in next to me and at the first sign of movement, she moves in for the kisses. She also likes to hit me in the face sometimes. Bitch. Literally.

Anyways, grocery shopping was the first thing I did today. Even before breakfast. That's impressive. I spent $100 dollars on groceries. I felt like a hypocrite at the check-out line, though, because I piled up all my health food onto the belt and at the end... I bought a pack of cigarettes. I will quit soon. It's hard, though. Don't judge.

I got home and threw some pork and cauliflower paleo stuff into the crockpot to cook throughout the day. Around 3PM I went to the gym to lift. I didn't do anything too much today. Now I will detail it, because I know you're so interested. 3 sets each of:
  • deadlifts
  • squats
  • curls
  • bent rows
  • overhead extensions
  • side bends
  • shoulder press
That's about it. I spent 25 minutes on weights, then walked ten minutes at a snail's pace to cool down. 

Now, the past few days I really have not been hungry at all. Like... only eating 700 calories a day not hungry. And I've been working out! I don't get it. Since July 4th's beer and sweet potato fries, I have not had any serious urges to eat. I'm sure it will all catch up to me at some point and I will gorge myself on the pumpkin seeds and pork roast that I obtained today. I look forward to that day.

Tomorrow's Body Pump plans are being replaced by the farmer's market in the morning and grilling and watching Ted later in the day. Rest day it is.

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