Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I could go on a lengthy rant about work right now, buuuuut I'll spare you. Just know, I am frustrated.

On a happier note, I actually woke up at the ass crack of dawn and worked out like I said I would. It was tough, and I almost bailed, but I did it! My alarm went off around 6AM and I resigned myself to hitting snooze and sleeping through it. But when it beeped again 15 minutes later, I thought to myself "...I could not go to the gym, get an extra half hour of sleep, and then end up not going at all today OR I could just get up and go." I believe I made the right choice.

I didn't do a whole lot today since I was on a slight time crunch. I did three sets each of:
  • deadlifts (60 lbs)
  • squats (50 lbs)
  • shoulder press (20 lbs)
  • bent rows (40 lbs)
That's it. Yeah, pretty measly but I figure it's better than nothing. Right? RIGHT?! Yep, I'm right. I should probably start keeping track of how much weight I'm using on these so I can track my progress... adding that right meow. I definitely could have done more weight on the bent rows, so I'll be upping that to 50 lbs. next time I go. I want to lift heavy, but I am going to keep it reasonable until I really perfect my form, on the deadlifts and squats especially. I do not need to get hurt being an idiot.

Tonight I have some pals coming into town so we are all going to go to Sensational Seafood tonight! Sensational Seafood is a program that we have here at the aquarium every month. A different chef comes in each time and cooks up a seafood dish, while employees chat about sustainability and how to make educated, environmentally friendly decisions about what you put on your plate. The food is always delicious... and the CHEESE. Oh lord, there is always so much cheese. I will do my best to avoid it, but it calls to me sometimes. And then I will regret it when I'm doubled over in stomach pain later.

It is drizzly and overcast outside and I am sipping a hot coffee inside. Today is my kind of day.

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