Monday, August 13, 2012

i suck.

I haven't worked out in two weeks. I have been so unbelievably stressed out. I've been having nightmares, I missed my period (NOT pregnant, no worries), and my body just is exhausted. It sucks. My eating has been pretty great, though. Stickin' to Paleo for the most part.

I've decided to (probably) opt out of the Rock 'N Roll San Antonio half marathon. I'm not where I need to be in terms of my starting point, I don't have enough time to safely get there, and I'm realizing that endurance running, at least this distance, isn't really my thing. Especially right now at this point in my life, I just don't have the time or energy to put toward months of training. I'm still planning on aiming for the 10K in October, though. I hate to feel like I've failed by giving up on my other half, but I just don't see it happening... Ideally I am going to just devote more time to lifting heavy things and dancing and running shorter distances without having to feel completely obliged to not miss a single run or else risk not being ready for some stinky old half marathon. BLECH.

I won a thingymabob from my work that you can wear on your arm and it calculates how many calories you burn throughout the day and shit. I'm curious to give it a whirl. I feel like I burned a bajillion calories at work today.

And I'll leave you with a recipe for the delicious Paleo dinner that I gorged myself on tonight.

  • 1 lb. of lean ground beef (or turkey! you pick!)
  • one jar of organic pasta sauce (check the label for shitty ingredients)
  • 2 cups of spinach (and/or any other vegetables you want to add to the sauce)
  • four zucchinis
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced 
  1.  Pour 1 tbsp. of olive into large sauce pan. Add half of the garlic to the oil and brown.
  2. Add whatever ground meat you choose. Cook until browned.
  3. Meanwhile, rinse your zucchini and peel each one down, leaving the seedy middle.
  4. Add the other tbsp. of olive oil to another pan and brown the remaining garlic in that.
  5. Add the thin zucchini slices do the olive oil and sautee until cooked.
  6. When the meat is browned, add the pasta sauce, spinach, and whatever else you decide (get creative!) and simmer for a few minutes 'till it's all cooked down and bubbly and delicious.
  7. Use the zucchini peels as spaghetti, serve the sauce on top, and voila! Paleo pasta!

Serves 4. Or in my case two because I am a fatty and ate two zucchini's worth of peels. Not a single fuck is given, except that I have a food baby.

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