Tuesday, July 3, 2012

it is past my bedtime.

Quick update before bed. I spent a good chunk of my day looking up paleo recipes on www.paleomg.com. Let me tell ya, I've got some good ones in store. I'm also planning to make a trip out to Alice very soon to buy some grass fed goodies. I'm going to order some kangaroo meat online, as well. I know, I know, they're cute. But damn they are tasty. 

Today was a full body strength day. Here's the breakdown - 3 sets each of:
  • deadlifts
  • squats
  • lunges
  • calf raises
  • curls
  • shoulder press
  • shrugs
  • overhead tricep extensions
  • side bends
 'Twas a good day. My body is tired. I'm broke until payday on Friday so my dinner was pretty simple. A big can of tuna fish, an ounce of almonds, some watermelon, and three delectable Dove dark chocolate squares to top it off.

It's weird when your heart is beating so loudly in your head that every time the blood pumps through it temporarily mutes sounds, like the hum of my air conditioner por ejemple.

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