Monday, July 9, 2012

WWS (a little late)

Last week was most excellent in terms of working out. I rested on Saturday and enjoyed a leisurely day of grilling, followed by a disco party. Here's what this week looks like:

  • Sunday - full body strength training (DONE)
  • Monday - 2.5 mile run (DONE - did some hard ass intervals every .25 miles)
  • Tuesday - full body strength training
  • Wednesday - Zumba
  • Thursday -2.5 mile run
  • Friday - full body strength training
  • Saturday - Body Pump or Zumba
I am pooped. I have decided to really give up drinking. I had a discussion with an old friend who has done it and he basically said it was one of the best decisions he ever made in terms of his quality of life. He's sleeping better, has more energy, and is more productive. I want to be all of those things! It is going to be hard as shit to say goodbye to my delicious, delicious beer. But I want to do it for a while and I will do it. I feel confident that I can accomplish this goal. I'd like to quit smoking cigarettes simultaneously but I feel like it will be a little overwhelming doing it all at once so I'm just going to really, really cut back. I tend to only smoke when I drink anyways so it shouldn't be too hard.

So now that it's out there for the internet to read, there is no going back. Daunting. 

I ate some wings for dinner tonight. The roommates and some pals went out for pizza. Well, pizza does not really bode well with how I'm trying to eat (dairy + bread = farts like you would not even want to imagine). So I opted for the chicken wings, thinking it was a better choice. HAH. Silly me. I looked up nutrition information for chicken wings when I got home and HOLY HELL - like 55g of fat. That's an entire day's worth of fat. In six chicken wings. They were delicious but I don't believe I will be having them again for quite some time. 

I'm going to try to get up early and get my lifting done before work tomorrow so that means that I should have been asleep... an hour ago. Tata, friends.

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