Tuesday, November 1, 2011

11.1.2011 workout.

I took yesterday off from working out and as soon as I got home from work, I showered and got ready to hand out candy! We brought the fire pit and chairs out into the front yard and had a fire, some red wine, and our guitars. It was divine. I probably had a little too much wine but I was still in bed at a reasonable hour. I didn't wake up in time to take a shower this morning so my hair smelled of bonfire all day. I secretly didn't really mind too much.

Today is the first day of half-marathon training. I'm starting small and slowly working my mileages up. This first week consists of miles that I have been running for the past few weeks anyways. Today was a two miler (it ended up being 2.08 miles) and I did it in 21:00 mins. THAT PUTS ME AT A 10:05 min/mile. Much, much better than where I have been. So hooray for that. I did a five minute cool down walk afterward, and when I got home I did some squats, planks, and leg lift donkey kick lookin' things (I have no idea what the hell they're called, but it worked my ass).

The rest of the week looks something like this:
  • Wednesday: nice, leisurely bike ride
  • Thursday: 2.5 mile run
  • Friday: nice, leisurely walk
  • Saturday: 3 mile long run
My mom is coming to visit this weekend, as well, so I think I will recruit her for my walk on Saturday! She has been getting more active, as well, and I'm really proud of her! Momma has been tearin' up the gym 4x a week!

I ate a cupcake today.

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