Monday, November 21, 2011


Even though I try to do my runs Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday, because it is Thanksgiving week, I'm moving things around a bit. I did Tuesday's three miler (3.15, really) today because we are having a pre-Thanksgiving friend dinner at the house tomorrow since everyone will be gone on the actual holiday. I'm most definitely not going to have the time to fit a run in, PLUS I'm all by myself at work tomorrow and I'm going to be exhausted by the end. So I just got it out of out the way tonight. I ran the 3.15 miles in 35:43 minutes, putting me at an 11:20 min/mile pace.

Today I tried something different - I brought BOTH dogs with me. It wasn't as horrible as I expected it to be, though I must admit that I was hoping they'd up my speed a bit. Doesn't seem to have happened. But I did have to deal with 101 Dalmations-style tangles, slight pulling, and a dog wrapped around a stop sign who then decided to plop down in a roadside puddle and cool off for a bit. It's a good thing they're cute...

I plan on doing my Thursday three mile run as scheduled. I'll be back home so I get to revisit an old route from my previous half marathon training. I believe I will do my Saturday long run while I am there, too, which is just another 3.5 miles this week. Maybe I'll even fit in a Zumba class. I miss the fantastic folks out at Studio Vida!

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