Saturday, November 26, 2011

i'll admit...

...this week wasn't the best. I overate and I missed my Thursday run. I'm really not going to stress, though. I picked right back up with my Saturday long run this morning. I did 3.5 miles in 37:24, averaging at a 10:41 min/mile. I ran this run on the treadmill at the gym. It was pretty boring, but I had to get it done. My first mile was at a 10:10 min pace, and the last two and a half I rotated between 11 minutes and 10:30 minutes. I definitely will be avoiding treadmills at all cost for these longer runs.

Now that I'm back home from the holiday break, I'm sure I'll be back in my normal routine. Unfortunately, I left my heart rate monitor watch at my parents' house. Hopefully they can send it to me pronto!

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