Thursday, November 3, 2011

11.2.2011 workout.

Today was day 2 of half marathon training. Roommate and I went to a local high school track to do this run. We wanted the springiness of the track versus the ouchiness of the road and sidewalks. We did ten laps, 2.5 mile, in 26 minutes. That set us at an average of 10:24 min/mile pace. Not too shabby! We did a few laps harder than others with easier laps in between. It was a challenge but nothing too awful. We walked another half a mile after our run.

So track runs... not awful. But definitely not something that I'd want to do all the time or for more than three mile runs. But now that I know it's there, I might make use of it for some intervals or something.

My eating has been atrocious this past week. Like.. sitting on the couch eating out of a bag of Doritos atrocious. I've gotta work on that.

My momma is coming to visit this weekend, I'm super excited about it. I'm going to show her around work, take her to lunch, make her walk around downtown with me, and cook bread with her!

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