Tuesday, November 8, 2011

catching up.

I have neglected this thing for the past week or so! Things have been crazy with work and my mom came into town. I've been keeping up with training, though, don't worry! I did my 3 mile long run on Saturday (which ended up being 3.3 miles) in about 36 minutes. I wasn't supposed to run again until today, but after a stressful day at work yesterday I needed a release. I set out and did a very slow 1.68 mile jog. I was at about a 12 min/mile pace. I think I was going too slow and I ended up causing some knee discomfort.

Today I wore my knee brace for my scheduled 2.5 mile run. Roommate and I did a route around the 'hood and it ended up being 2.57 miles in 28:30, setting us at an 11:05 min/mile pace. It felt really good. It's a good sign that a) my heart rate isn't getting up into the crazy percentages nearly as much during my runs so my fitness is improving and b) we can have short conversations while we run. While I might not be seeing major improvements in my times, these are definitely minor victories for me.

I iced my knee after the run today with some frozen onions. I think I'll take a shower and eat some beans for dinner and then hit the hay early. I worked an eleven hour day today in preparation for our big donor event tomorrow, and I'm sure tomorrow will be almost the same. BUT it will all be over and done with in less than 24 hours and the boy gets into town on Thursday and all will be good.

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