Saturday, November 19, 2011


Today was my long run, completing Week 3 of training. Since my Wednesday run turned out to be longer than anticipated, this run wasn't really my 'long' run. In fact, it turned out to be the same distance as the run on Wednesday. 3.74 miles in 43:30, making my pace an 11:37 min/mile. A little slower than usual but not a big deal, it was a longer distance than I've been doing too. And I felt pretty great throughout the whole thing. It was about five minutes slower than the one I ran on Wednesday, but I'm attributing that to the lack of race energy and my competitive nature. Also, because it was slower, this run was MUCH more pleasant than Wednesday's.

I did have a few knee issues, but no actual pain. I'm mostly feeling what seems like pressure underneath my knee caps. I also felt my IT band twinge a few times but I find that when I really focus on my form, I can prevent that from happening.

Not only was my run damn good, but it perked me up after a long day at work. I have much more energy now. I'm going to eat a salad and a turkey burger for dinner and then possibly go meet up with the gals.

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