Sunday, July 29, 2012

and so training season begins again...

Last week was a pretty damn good week. I worked out almost every day. Heeeeeeeeere's the breakdown:
  • Monday - Zumba
  • Tuesday - full body strength training, 2.5 mile run
  • Wednesday - Zumba
  • Thursday - full body strength training
  • Friday - 3 mile run, zumba
I missed my Saturday Body Pump plans. I was a little disappointed but I needed the rest. The running has been tough this week. Especially that 3 mile one. It took me about 35 minutes to run a 5K. That seems a little pathetic for me. I guess I can't expect to be kicking ass right from the get go, but it's so disheartening to see (and feel) how much endurance I've lost. I used to run 4 miles a few times a week, no problem. I've gotta get back to that point!

This week is going to be a little off since I'm traveling out of town for a job interview mid-week. This is my tentative plan:
  • Sunday - full body strength training
  • Monday - 4 mile run in the AM before work
  • Tuesday - full body strength training in AM before hitting the road
  • Wednesday - walking
  • Thursday - Zumba
  • Friday - 3 mile run and/or Zumba
  • Saturday - Body Pump, 4 mile run (first run of half marathon training!)
I've gotta get my fill of Studio Vida! Zumba while I'm home. I sure do love that place.

I can't believe my fall half marathon training is already starting. Fuck, I am not ready.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

falling behind, trying to catch up.

Been kickin' some ass this week so far.

My Tuesday run was HARD. Like... I was huffing and puffing the whole way through. It was my first outdoor run since Beach to Bay in May. Between the heat, the wind, and the variations in incline, it was a challenge. I did 2.48 miles in 26:30, which put me at about a 10:40 min/mile pace. Not too bad, but for the effort... well I've got some improving to do. I'm planning on running three miles today, but I think I will slow the pace down to around 11 min/mile for this one.

As far as training for my upcoming races goes, I should be running 4 miles by early August. I am not sure that's going to happen. I'll have to alter my half marathon training schedule as needed, I guess. I have my 10k in October, which I'm not worried about being ready for. I have plenty of time to get up to 6 miles before then. But that half marathon... I shouldn't have been slacking on my running as much as I have been. Way to go, Nina.

I am contemplating registering to the Rock 'N' Roll New Orleans half marathon again. Two of my buddies are signing up for it. It's hard to turn down a road trip/race/buddy run event. I'll have to think on it and figure out what I can manage in terms of money, time off, and time invested in training. I have until October to decide, luckily.

Anyways, this morning I woke up and went to the gym before work again. Here's how it went:
  • 3x15 deadlifts 30 lbs. (lowered weight to work on my form)
  • 3x15 squats 40 lbs
  • 3x15 upright rows 30 lbs
  • 3x12 overhead press 30 lbs.
  • 3x20 side bends 25 lbs.
  • 3x15 bent rows 50 lbs.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Last week was a pretty big bust. I only did zumba twice, I think. That was it. I can chalk it up to it being my birthday week and wanting to celebrate, but the fact of the matter is - I was being lazy. 100% lazy (well, maybe 90% since I did go to zumba twice). But I'm getting my shit back into gear with my eating and working out. Here's the plan for another fun-filled week:
  • Monday - Zumba
  • Tuesday - strength training in AM, 2.5 mile run PM
  • Wednesday - Zumba
  • Thursday - strength training in AM, 3 mile run PM
  • Friday - Zumba
  • Saturday - Body Pump
No excuses this week, damnit.

This morning I got up at 6AM and headed to the gym for a 30 minute lifting session. It has been about two weeks since I went and lifted (not counting Body Pump, which wasn't so much heavy lifting but lots of repititions - it still kicked my ass, though). This morning consisted of:
  • 3x15 squats - 40 lbs. barbell
  • 3x14 lunges - 30 lbs. dumbells
  • 3x15 overhead press - 30 lbs. barbell
  • 2x12 tricep kickback - 10 lbs. dumbell
  • 3x15 bent row - 40 lbs. barbell
Isn't that so interesting? I'm sure you are on the edge of your seat.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


It's already been nine days since I posted?! Damn, time flies. I have been keeping up with my workouts for the most part... my mom came to visit last weekend so my eating wasn't the best, but I stuck with working out. Hmmm, let me see if I can remember how last week went...
  • Sunday - full body strength training
  • Monday - 2.5 mile run
  • Tuesday - full body strength training
  • Wednesday - Zumba
  • Thursday -2.5 mile run
  • Friday - rested
  • Saturday - Body Pump
Dude. Body Pump. It was freaking awesome and HARD. I was sore for three days afterward. Seriously.

Here's what this week has been/will be...ish:
  • Sunday - zumba
  • Monday - rest
  • Tuesday - rest
  • Wednesday - zumba
  • Thursday - full body strength training, 2 mile run
  • Friday - zumba
  • Saturday - MY BIRTHDAAAAAAY! 5K birthday run, full body strength training
So yeah. My food has sucked for the most part the past few days. I've had a slice of cake for dinner three nights in a row. I'm going to get back onto my fairly rigid paleo diet. I think I'd like to have seafood for my birthday, so I'm sure I can still stick to the paleo pretty well even with going out to eat. I will probably have a few glasses of wine, too... I know, I know. But it's my birthday!

I don't want to overdo it, though, because I have plans for Sunday to get shit done, seeing as it's my only day off. I want to make pickles.

Training has to start for my upcoming races soon... crazy!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I could go on a lengthy rant about work right now, buuuuut I'll spare you. Just know, I am frustrated.

On a happier note, I actually woke up at the ass crack of dawn and worked out like I said I would. It was tough, and I almost bailed, but I did it! My alarm went off around 6AM and I resigned myself to hitting snooze and sleeping through it. But when it beeped again 15 minutes later, I thought to myself "...I could not go to the gym, get an extra half hour of sleep, and then end up not going at all today OR I could just get up and go." I believe I made the right choice.

I didn't do a whole lot today since I was on a slight time crunch. I did three sets each of:
  • deadlifts (60 lbs)
  • squats (50 lbs)
  • shoulder press (20 lbs)
  • bent rows (40 lbs)
That's it. Yeah, pretty measly but I figure it's better than nothing. Right? RIGHT?! Yep, I'm right. I should probably start keeping track of how much weight I'm using on these so I can track my progress... adding that right meow. I definitely could have done more weight on the bent rows, so I'll be upping that to 50 lbs. next time I go. I want to lift heavy, but I am going to keep it reasonable until I really perfect my form, on the deadlifts and squats especially. I do not need to get hurt being an idiot.

Tonight I have some pals coming into town so we are all going to go to Sensational Seafood tonight! Sensational Seafood is a program that we have here at the aquarium every month. A different chef comes in each time and cooks up a seafood dish, while employees chat about sustainability and how to make educated, environmentally friendly decisions about what you put on your plate. The food is always delicious... and the CHEESE. Oh lord, there is always so much cheese. I will do my best to avoid it, but it calls to me sometimes. And then I will regret it when I'm doubled over in stomach pain later.

It is drizzly and overcast outside and I am sipping a hot coffee inside. Today is my kind of day.

Monday, July 9, 2012

WWS (a little late)

Last week was most excellent in terms of working out. I rested on Saturday and enjoyed a leisurely day of grilling, followed by a disco party. Here's what this week looks like:

  • Sunday - full body strength training (DONE)
  • Monday - 2.5 mile run (DONE - did some hard ass intervals every .25 miles)
  • Tuesday - full body strength training
  • Wednesday - Zumba
  • Thursday -2.5 mile run
  • Friday - full body strength training
  • Saturday - Body Pump or Zumba
I am pooped. I have decided to really give up drinking. I had a discussion with an old friend who has done it and he basically said it was one of the best decisions he ever made in terms of his quality of life. He's sleeping better, has more energy, and is more productive. I want to be all of those things! It is going to be hard as shit to say goodbye to my delicious, delicious beer. But I want to do it for a while and I will do it. I feel confident that I can accomplish this goal. I'd like to quit smoking cigarettes simultaneously but I feel like it will be a little overwhelming doing it all at once so I'm just going to really, really cut back. I tend to only smoke when I drink anyways so it shouldn't be too hard.

So now that it's out there for the internet to read, there is no going back. Daunting. 

I ate some wings for dinner tonight. The roommates and some pals went out for pizza. Well, pizza does not really bode well with how I'm trying to eat (dairy + bread = farts like you would not even want to imagine). So I opted for the chicken wings, thinking it was a better choice. HAH. Silly me. I looked up nutrition information for chicken wings when I got home and HOLY HELL - like 55g of fat. That's an entire day's worth of fat. In six chicken wings. They were delicious but I don't believe I will be having them again for quite some time. 

I'm going to try to get up early and get my lifting done before work tomorrow so that means that I should have been asleep... an hour ago. Tata, friends.

Friday, July 6, 2012

oh hunger, where art thou?

I woke up at 7AM this morning, my day off, thanks to my dog. She's lucky she's cute. She wakes me up in the best way - cuddling. She jumps in my bed and wiggles in next to me and at the first sign of movement, she moves in for the kisses. She also likes to hit me in the face sometimes. Bitch. Literally.

Anyways, grocery shopping was the first thing I did today. Even before breakfast. That's impressive. I spent $100 dollars on groceries. I felt like a hypocrite at the check-out line, though, because I piled up all my health food onto the belt and at the end... I bought a pack of cigarettes. I will quit soon. It's hard, though. Don't judge.

I got home and threw some pork and cauliflower paleo stuff into the crockpot to cook throughout the day. Around 3PM I went to the gym to lift. I didn't do anything too much today. Now I will detail it, because I know you're so interested. 3 sets each of:
  • deadlifts
  • squats
  • curls
  • bent rows
  • overhead extensions
  • side bends
  • shoulder press
That's about it. I spent 25 minutes on weights, then walked ten minutes at a snail's pace to cool down. 

Now, the past few days I really have not been hungry at all. Like... only eating 700 calories a day not hungry. And I've been working out! I don't get it. Since July 4th's beer and sweet potato fries, I have not had any serious urges to eat. I'm sure it will all catch up to me at some point and I will gorge myself on the pumpkin seeds and pork roast that I obtained today. I look forward to that day.

Tomorrow's Body Pump plans are being replaced by the farmer's market in the morning and grilling and watching Ted later in the day. Rest day it is.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


After a long week at work, I am pooped. Yesterday after work, I went to the gym before the 4th of July festivities. Zumba got cancelled because of the holiday, so I switched my Thursday run to Wednesday. Instead of doing two miles I ended up doing 2.5. I did intervals every .25 mile and finished the run in 25:28. Then I showered and went to the beach, drank a few beers, and ate some sweet potato fries. Yum.

Today I went to Zumba and it was a pretty great class. I really liked the instructor. You could tell she was an actual dancer. 50 minutes of zumba, 515 calories torched. I came home and scrounged around the kitchen for food that won't be there until tomorrow (payday!) so I just ate some watermelon for dinner. Lame. Good thing I'm (somehow?!) not even hungry. But I am going to make a paleo crockpot pork rump roast and rice tomorrow and I am so excited about it that it's sad. The rice is not rice at all.... but cauliflower! Oh man, my stomach just grumbled. Time for bed. Number one on my list of things to do tomorrow is grocery shop. Number two? Lift. Duh.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

it is past my bedtime.

Quick update before bed. I spent a good chunk of my day looking up paleo recipes on Let me tell ya, I've got some good ones in store. I'm also planning to make a trip out to Alice very soon to buy some grass fed goodies. I'm going to order some kangaroo meat online, as well. I know, I know, they're cute. But damn they are tasty. 

Today was a full body strength day. Here's the breakdown - 3 sets each of:
  • deadlifts
  • squats
  • lunges
  • calf raises
  • curls
  • shoulder press
  • shrugs
  • overhead tricep extensions
  • side bends
 'Twas a good day. My body is tired. I'm broke until payday on Friday so my dinner was pretty simple. A big can of tuna fish, an ounce of almonds, some watermelon, and three delectable Dove dark chocolate squares to top it off.

It's weird when your heart is beating so loudly in your head that every time the blood pumps through it temporarily mutes sounds, like the hum of my air conditioner por ejemple.

Monday, July 2, 2012


Also, I had my heart rate monitor in my gym bag ready for this afternoon's run. I left my gym bag in the car while I was at work. In the summer Texas heat. For nine hours. When I put it on at the gym, the little computer thingy that attaches to the chest strap wasn't picking up my heart rate. I think the heat fucked it up. I hope it's not ridiculously expensive to replace.
Today was another delightful paleo day! I'm really enjoying the paleo eating so far. I feel more energetic and cleaner. I have eaten non-paleo things (ie: drunk whataburger... and alcohol...) but I'm trying to cut more and more of those things out. After my hell of a hangover on Friday I have zero desire to drink again anytime soon. Here's what my food day looked like:
  • breakfast - two eggs scrambled with spinach, onion, and broccoli
  • lunch - shredded crock pot chicken meat on a bed of romaine lettuce
  • dinner - four slices of extra lean turkey bacon with half a bundle of asparagus cooked in olive oil, three Dove dark chocolate squares (not paleo but a perfect dessert)
  • snacks throughout the day - pineapple, cherries, carrots and homemade guacamole, an ounce of walnuts
I don't feel hungry when I eat this way. I also don't get my typical midday tiredness at work, I've noticed. Delightful!

After work I went to the gym to do my planned two miles. I did a five minute warm up walk then ran for 22 minutes at an 10:54 min/mile pace. The workout the treadmill set me on was 30 minutes, so I lowered the pace a bit and ran the last three minutes at 5MPH, or a 12 min/mile pace. Then I walked for five minutes as my cool down. I have decided to run a 5K on my birthday, so I've got to get back up into the longer runs.

It is 9:01PM and I am in bed. I like this.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Today's workout was good. I almost bailed because I am exhausted but I forced myself. Today I did two sets each of squats, deadlifts, lunges, shoulder presses, curls, kickbacks, and lat pulldowns. Then I did 20 minutes on the elliptical just to kill some more time before leaving. I am tired so I will read and then sleep soon. Bye bye.


Here is my WWS for this week:

  • Sunday - full body strength training
  • Monday - two mile run
  • Tuesday - full body strength training
  • Wednesday - zumba
  • Thursday - full body strength training
  • Friday - zumba
  • Saturday - body pump