Sunday, March 25, 2012

damn you, texas.

Yesterday I set out to do my 3.5 mile run around 5PM. Big freakin' mistake. It was so hot outside (at least it felt that way, apparently it was only 80) and the sun was beating down on me. The route I mapped out was a little over four miles and was around campus on the path by the bay. I made it through the outbound and was on my way back home and I just couldn't do it. It was too hot, I was dehydrated, and I had to stop.

This is very much not like me. I have only stopped a run a handful of times, I can count them on one hand. I push myself. It's why I love running. But I knew that it was absolutely not smart to push myself this time. I should have brought my running belt with water, but I didn't. I should have worn a hat but I didn't. Shoulda, woulda, coulda. Next time I'll know better.

I stopped at 3.2 miles and walked the rest of the way home. It took my heart rate about half an hour to drop back to normal. Water has never tasted so sweet.

Since we are getting into the heat of summer here in Texas, my running is going to have to adapt. Early morning or late evening runs will be ideal. Make sure to stay hydrated. Bring water on runs, even if it is only three miles. Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen. Be safe, y'all!

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