Sunday, April 29, 2012


Well, last week was another down week for running. I seem to alternate. One week I get pretty much all my runs done, the next I only do two, and then repeat. My whole 7MM challenge has been a bust so far, I'd say. I've only done it like.. twice. Uggggggggggh. So here was my pathetic last week:

  • Monday: 3.07 miles in 30:02 (9:46 pace)
  • Saturday: Kare to Excel 8K race 5.02 miles in 50:27 (10:02 pace)
....aaaand that's about about it. Like I said, it was a down week. I've got to get out of this funk I'm in.

Here's the schedule for this week. We'll see how much I follow it.

  • Monday: 2.5 miles
  • Wednesday: 7MM
  • Friday: 3 miles
  • Saturday: 6 miles
I've started formulating a training plan for the San Antonio Rock N Roll half, training will start at the beginning of September, so I've still got quite a bit of time before I have to start worrying about that.

I get to go home in a week and a half. I can't wait.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Kare to Excel 8K recap

I'm pooped from getting up at 5:30AM but here's a quick recap of this morning's race.

I woke up bright and early, headed to my house to grab a quick pre-race snack, then made my way to campus. The race started promptly at 7AM. Josh left me pretty much as soon as the race started to keep his own pace, and I kept nice and steady at mine. 

It was an out and back course that was mostly along Ocean Drive. The wind wasn't horrible today, thank god. This run was pretty tough, considering that I haven't run five miles since the half marathon back in March. I managed to maintain a fairly constant pace. My first mile was definitely a little speedy, around 9:43, but I slowed down after that and my average pace was 10:02 min/mile. Excellent for me, especially maintaining it for five miles. I'm happy with the way things went. My final time was 50:27. Josh finished in about 48 minutes, so I wasn't too far behind him.

I chugged water and ate a banana while we waited for the awards and raffle give aways. They finally got to the 8K awards and did the men first. Josh got third in his age group, yeaaaaah Josh! Then they got to the women's, and the announcer totally skipped over my age group. I was like "say whaaaaat?!" So I went up to him afterward and asked him about it and it turned out he accidentally skipped over it because, well, I was the only one in my age group. So, I got first place by default! Hahahah, ain't no shame. I'm reppin' for the 20-24 year old ladies. I'm really surprised that no one else around my age was running! What gives?! 

I guess there's really not a whole lot more to say about the race. It was tough, and I missed my goal  of 50 minutes by 27 seconds, but it went well, and I got a gold medal, and now I am going to take a well deserved nap.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I am officially registered for my second half marathon! Rock 'N Roll San Antonio in November 2012. I'm pretty stoked. Training will most likely begin in September. It will be nice not starting from scratch for training. It will take a lot less time and be less difficult, I imagine. Assuming I keep up my fitness levels until then.. but I feel confident that I will! 

Right now I am setting a goal to complete it in less than two and a half hours. That's only shaving about four minutes off of my first one. I think I can do it. I just need to remember to hold back in the beginning and not tire myself out. Also - GELS. Why have I not been using gels at all for my long runs?!

Monday, April 23, 2012


Here is my weekly workout schedule for this week.
  • Monday - 3 miles
  • Tuesday - 2.5 miles
  • Wednesday - 7MM
  • Saturday - Kare to Excel 8K
We'll see how this turns out... I woke up drenched in sweat this morning and I feel really run down. Hopefully I can muster the energy to get my runs done. I better not be getting sick.

My mom is coming into town to visit this weekend and she's going to come see my race! I'm excited. Josh and I have a set a goal of 50 minutes. I'm not sure I can sustain a 10:00 min/mile pace for five miles, but I'm going to do my damndest. It better not be a windy repeat of the 10K...

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Ended the week strong. 
  • Thursday - 3.11 miles in 35:00 (11:15 pace)
  • Friday - 2.05 miles in 19:05 (9:18 pace)
  • Saturday - 4.65 miles in 51:22 (11:02 pace)
I'll post this week's schedule tomorrow. I'm hungry and tired right now.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

hard times, bad breaks.

It's been hard to do much of anything lately. I haven't run since Saturday. I've been sleeping a lot. Things have been weighing me down. Dealing with the loss of our dolphin, DJ, has been really, really tough and then having to say goodbye to one of the most amazing trainers we've got... it's just been a lot all at once. There have been a lot of tears. I've cried just about every day.

But I'm going to try to push myself out of it. I will run tomorrow, Tuesday's three miles. No 7MM this week... again. Then I'll finish my Friday and Saturday runs as planned (hopefully). I need to get my life in order and get things figured out... I have a feeling my life is going to be changing in the near future. It's got to, I just can't stay where I am.

Monday, April 16, 2012

another race!

..and I've pretty much met my goal of four races during the year. I just registered for the 2012 Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure 10k! It's in San Antonio on May 12th, and I planned on being home that weekend for my brother's graduation and Mother's Day anyways! So why not run a 10K? I'm trying to get my mom to walk the 5K, too

So with that and the Kare to Excel 8K on April 28th, that makes four races. And then Beach to Bay is the weekend after the Race for the Cure. These races keep me motivated and accountable to keep up with my running.


Last week was kind of a bust. It was a tough week in a lot of aspects. I only ran twice, missed my two mid-week runs.
  • Monday - 3.63 miles in 36:20 (10:00 pace)
  • Saturday - 4.07 miles in 44:19 (10:53 pace)

This week looks something like this:

  • Monday - gym for lifting
  • Tuesday - 3 miles
  • Wednesday - 7MM week 4 (or should it be week 3 since I missed last week?)
  • Friday - 2 miles
  • Saturday - 4.5 miles

I registered for that 8K yesterday, so that's on my schedule for next Saturday.

Monday, April 9, 2012

race on the horizon.

Once I get paid on Friday, I am going to be registering for the Kare to Excel 8k race on April 28th. I'm scheduled to run 5 miles that day, anyways. Might as well make it a race. It's only $25, too. Josh is going to do it with me. It's nice and close, right on campus!


Last week's run were all completed successfully!
  • Tuesday - 3.11 miles in 34:02 (10:56 pace)
  • Wednesday - 7MM in 8:17, half mile warm up and cool down
  • Thursday - 2.04 miles in 20:39 (10:07 pace)
  • Sunday - 4 miles in 42:06 (10:31 pace)

I ran Saturday's run on Sunday due to a pretty serious hangover. It was a stressful weekend.

Here's what this week looks like:

  • Monday - 3.5 miles
  • Wednesday - 7MM week 4
  • Thursday - 2.5 miles
  • Saturday - 4 miles

I need to start incorporating sprints into my workouts to help get my mile time down! Maybe I'll turn one run a week into a fartlek. Heh, fart.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

7MM - week 3.

Well, not as good as week one, but still pretty good for me. I ran the mile in 8:17. It probably didn't help that I ran right after waking up from a nap.

I think in order to get faster, I have to do more interval workouts. I'll get on that, stat.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Last week was an off week in terms of running. I still got a ton of exercise, just not as much running as I had planned. This week I'm aiming for four runs. Tomorrow will be the first, running three miles with Boyfriend.

I planned out a little training schedule to keep me on track for Beach to Bay, which is in about six weeks. It's nothing compared to half marathon training, I love it. Lots of nice, short runs. It's funny that short runs are anything less than five miles to me now.

Here's my week:

  • Tuesday - 3 miles
  • Wednesday - 7MM week 3 (hopefully this goes better than week 2)
  • Thursday - 2 miles
  • Saturday - 4 miles

I may mix in some lifting sessions at the gym if my pal and I can sync up our schedules, too.