Sunday, April 29, 2012


Well, last week was another down week for running. I seem to alternate. One week I get pretty much all my runs done, the next I only do two, and then repeat. My whole 7MM challenge has been a bust so far, I'd say. I've only done it like.. twice. Uggggggggggh. So here was my pathetic last week:

  • Monday: 3.07 miles in 30:02 (9:46 pace)
  • Saturday: Kare to Excel 8K race 5.02 miles in 50:27 (10:02 pace)
....aaaand that's about about it. Like I said, it was a down week. I've got to get out of this funk I'm in.

Here's the schedule for this week. We'll see how much I follow it.

  • Monday: 2.5 miles
  • Wednesday: 7MM
  • Friday: 3 miles
  • Saturday: 6 miles
I've started formulating a training plan for the San Antonio Rock N Roll half, training will start at the beginning of September, so I've still got quite a bit of time before I have to start worrying about that.

I get to go home in a week and a half. I can't wait.

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