Thursday, January 5, 2012

terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

Well, maybe not THAT bad. But I've got a lot weighing on my mind lately. I planned on going running as soon as I got off of work since I was off a bit early, but instead I fell asleep on the couch for an hour and a half. That couch is dangerous territory. I should know that by now. Settling in to watch just ONE episode of Intervention or some other shit on Netflix almost always ends up turning into either multiple episodes or a nap. Sometimes both. So from now on, the couch comes AFTER the runs.

I woke up around 7:30PM and got my ass moving. I felt pretty good for the first 2.5 miles or so, and then I literally felt like I had hit a brick wall. I don't know if I was dehydrated (I shouldn't have been, I drank 8 cups of water at work), still tired from the nap, or if I didn't fuel well enough (I guess cheddar cheese rice cakes aren't ideal, huh?) but it was miserable. I trudged through the rest of the run, wanting to walk but refusing to let myself. I finished 3.63 miles in 39:23, setting myself at a 10:50 min/mile. I was very surprised to see that I was still sub-11:00. I will definitely be sticking to my usual banana or peanut butter on bread before runs. What works, works.

Quiet night in tonight. Watching TV with the roommate and probably going to bed at a decent hour. I want to get some things done tomorrow, including a hair cut and oil change. Maybe bringing a pup or two to the park, as well. Saturday the folks are coming into town so we'll probably go out to lunch or dinner.

My 10K is in three weeks and my half marathon is in two months. Hell. Yes.

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