Monday, June 25, 2012


Well, my back is still kind of achy, but I made my way to the gym after work yesterday anyways. I'm just taking Excedrin to take the edge off. Yesterday was just a running day so I did a total of 30 minutes on the treadmill. I did my scheduled two miles in 20:34. Averaged at a 10:16 min/mile pace or something like that. Not too shabby. The whole run was a sort of Fartlek style run, I just went up or down with the speed as I saw fit.

I am registering for another 10K that is in October. It's at Sea World. I need to have more runs in my future to keep me up, running, motivated, and accountable. I'm probably going to look for some other races going on between now and then, as well.

Here's the plan for this week:
  • Sunday - two mile run
  • Monday - legs
  • Tuesday - upper body, run 2.5 miles
  • Wednesday - legs (might not happen, working late that night..)
  • Thursday - upper body (if Wednesday doesn't happen, full body)
  • Friday - Zumba
  • Saturday - Body Pump

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