Friday, June 22, 2012

I didn't do a whole hell of a lot today. I guess my errands will be done tomorrow. I woke up and had leftover fish tacos for lunch, took a nap, watched South Park, and then went to zumba. It was a class with different instructors than the last one I went to. They were fairly good. Nothing really can compare to Studio Vida's instructors, though. Missin' those Mario zumba classes. But I burned about 650 calories and I had a good time so we'll call it a win. I came home, showered, and ate a Mexican type salad with chicken, black beans, green leaf lettuce, avocado, and pico de gallo. It was reaaaaally filling and tasty.

I planned on trying out Body Pump tomorrow morning but they are cancelling classes for a fundraiser they're holding. So instead I may just hit the gym for full body strength training and maybe some time on the stationary bike or something.

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