Sunday, February 5, 2012


Another week down in training. Thursday I came very close to skipping my run in lieu of cleaning the house, but I decided to man up and just DO IT. I did this run on the treadmill. I really kind of appreciate my treadmill runs, they aren't so bad. I like that I can keep track of my speed easily. My 3.5 miles went like this:

warm up walk
1st mile - 6mph
2nd mile - 6.5mph
3rd mile - 7mph (!! one of my fastest miles yet)
last .5 mile - 6.5mph, then 6mph
cool down

It was a good run, I felt strong. Not so much can be said for my long run this week. Well, I guess that's a lie, I felt pretty good during the run. It's the aftermath that is unpleasant. I had 9.5 miles on my plate yesterday and I conquered them. Totally annihilated. When I hit the seven mile marker I couldn't believe how good I still felt. Same with mile eight. I definitely had to dig deep for the last half mile, but I think that was more mental than physical. I knew I was almost done and that made my mind turn itself off.

After the run, I was obviously tired, especially my legs. But I noticed a clicking in my knee, accompanied by slight pain. I'm hesitant to even call it pain, maybe just discomfort. I iced and stretch but it lingered throughout most of the day. I can feel it today, the following day, but mostly only when I go down or up stairs. My legs are just sore, overall. This is the first time I've been sore from a run in a while! I'm hoping a few days of rest will clear the whole thing up. It makes me nervous, though.

After all of this training, I'm really not sure how I feel about distance running. I feel like it gets to a point where it's not even that enjoyable anymore (I usually hit this around mile 7). It hurts. It's hard. The main redeeming value of these long runs is the satisfacting and feeling of accomplishment when I successfully complete the miles. After New Orleans, I might stick to 10ks. That is, if my knee doesn't go out on me.

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