Sunday, February 12, 2012

an off week, trying to adapt.

Want to know how many runs I did last week? ZERO. NONE. Ugh. I know I needed to cut back a bit because of the knee issues that I had after last week's 9.5 miles, but seriously, Nina? No runs at all? I could have at least done one three or four miler. Buuuuut I didn't, and while I don't think it was totally necessary to have taken the whole week off, I feel that I kind of needed it mentally. I'm on the verge of getting burnt out and I am so looking forward to this half marathon being over so that running becomes something enjoyable again, and not something that I have to do, with all my runs planned out months in advance. I want to be able to lace up and just go, without any set distance, route, or time in mind.

But I will not let my lazy week get me down, I've come too far to give up now. I'm going to pick myself back up and move on. Only three more weeks 'till NOLA and this is what it's going to look like in running:

This week: Mon - 4 miles, Thurs - 3 miles, Saturday - 10 miles (last long run of training)

Next week: Tues - 3 miles, Thurs - 3.5 miles, Saturday - 4 miles

Last week of training (!!): Tues - eeeeaaaassy 3 miles, Fri - travel to NOLA, Sun - 13.1 miles, baby.

And then I will sleep for a week straight.

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