Tuesday, February 7, 2012

change of plans.

There are going to be some slight adjustments to the remainder of my training schedule. Right now I've got two more long runs, planned to be an 11 miler and a 12 miler. Not. Going. To. Happen.

After the way my knees were feeling after last week's 9.5 miles, I don't think it's wise. My right knee was pain free after a day, but today my left knee has started to twinge. SO... the plan is to do ten miles this weekend and be done with it - on to tapering. Even if I just do the 9.5 again I think I'd be okay. I don't want to push too much.

Following the last long run, I'll have two weeks to keep up my shorter runs, varying from 3-5 miles, and then the last few days before the race I'll totally ease up.

I'm not sure if I will do my planned run tonight if my knee keeps tweaking today. Only three miles on the schedule but I'd rather miss it and take a needed rest than do it and have my knee explode.

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