Sunday, May 20, 2012


This is the first weekly workout schedule I'm making that doesn't have to include running! Funnily enough, that makes me want to add it in. Oh mind, you work in funny ways. Here's the plan, stan:

  • Monday - strength training, leisurely bike ride around the neighborhood
  • Tuesday - 2 mile morning run
  • Wednesday - strength training
  • Thursday - zumba
  • Friday - strength training, 2 mile walk with Dottie
  • Saturday - 4 mile run
Quite ambitious, but I feel motivated.

Last week was a decent work out week. I missed the Wednesday run I had planned but oh well. Thursday I got up at 6:30AM and went running before work. I did 2.5 miles and it was so pleasant! I am going to start doing that more often. It's a million times better than waiting 'till the hot, humid afternoons to run. Blech! Friday I did full body strength training, and then Saturday was the race. Not too shabby.

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