Wednesday, May 16, 2012


This week is probably going to be a little light. Here's what I've tentatively got planned.

  • Wednesday - 2 miles
  • Thursday - 2.5 miles
  • Friday - walk 2 miles with the dog/maybe zumba?
  • Saturday - Beach to Bay! (leg #6, 4.89 miles)
I am excited about Beach to Bay. I just hope it's not too damn hot. Especially because I'm doing the last leg and it's also the longest.

Last week I did great staying active while I was on my vacation. I went to the gym with my mom twice (and I actually lifted! This is a big deal for me). I did some lifting at home, as well. I would like to get a nice weight area set up there for myself. We've got all the bars and weights that I would need to do some good squats and deadlifts. I did zumba twice and it kicked my ass and I loved it.

Buuuuut, I still ate a lot. No amount of exercise can really cancel out the beer and the goldfish. I think I'm going to start tracking what I eat to stay accountable to myself and make sure I'm eating well and keeping my nutrition nice and balanced and healthy. I'd like to lose twenty-ish pounds over the next few months or so. I'm tired of feeling gross all the time.

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