Sunday, May 20, 2012


This is the first weekly workout schedule I'm making that doesn't have to include running! Funnily enough, that makes me want to add it in. Oh mind, you work in funny ways. Here's the plan, stan:

  • Monday - strength training, leisurely bike ride around the neighborhood
  • Tuesday - 2 mile morning run
  • Wednesday - strength training
  • Thursday - zumba
  • Friday - strength training, 2 mile walk with Dottie
  • Saturday - 4 mile run
Quite ambitious, but I feel motivated.

Last week was a decent work out week. I missed the Wednesday run I had planned but oh well. Thursday I got up at 6:30AM and went running before work. I did 2.5 miles and it was so pleasant! I am going to start doing that more often. It's a million times better than waiting 'till the hot, humid afternoons to run. Blech! Friday I did full body strength training, and then Saturday was the race. Not too shabby.

Beach to Bay 2012

My first Beach to Bay experience was definitely a positive one. I was running the last leg and I knew I wouldn't be starting until later in the morning but for whatever reason I decided to get to my exchange point at 7:30AM. I just walked there from my house, it was close enough. I made a friend as soon as I got to the park and we hung out and talked for a good chunk of the morning. Luckily enough, he also had some sunscreen that he offered me. I slathered some on my arms and legs, apparently missing my shoulders and chest. More on that later...

The first runners came through our chute around 8:45AM. These people are fast. Like... really fast. I don't understand how it's humanly possible to sustain what I see as a sprint for 4+ miles. Then again, I'm a little overweight and I have short stubby legs so it may just be humanly impossible for me. Either way, these runners are impressive.

A handful of men came through, followed by the first female runner. Let me tell you, this girl didn't look too good. As she was coming through the chute she started walking and veering off to the right. You could tell she was having a hard time functioning physically. Her teammate grabbed the baton and the girl almost immediately just kind of collapsed. Race workers had to carry her to the first aid tent to cool down. It was a very, very hot day. Multiple runners went down from heat exhaustion. I heard teammates handing off the baton and telling the next runners to be careful of the heat. It was then that I decided I was not running for speed. I was going to take my time and enjoy the race and not end up in a first aid tent.

After about four hours of hanging out at the exchange point drinking water and watching runners coming through, I finally heard my bib number get called. So I hopped in the chute and waited for Josh. Finally I saw him, grabbed the baton, and was off!

The run was more pleasant than I expected with the heat. The water stations were plentiful. Every time I hit on, I slowed to a walk, drank a cup, then poured another cup over my head. There were also people with water guns squirting runners, which I appreciated thoroughly. Some people who live along the race course were even out front with their garden hoses spraying runners. I found that this was the only way for me to keep my body temperature down. Especially because there was little to no shade on the course for relief from the sun.

So on I went, drinking and dousing, drinking and dousing, through all 4.89 miles. Finally I saw the finish line in the distant so I pushed through. The time on the clock was 5:09 and some change. Not the best time, not the worst. After looking at the results, I'd say we were in the 3rd quartile of teams. I think a lot of what slowed us down was the fact that one of our runners accidently ran two legs. That's over eight miles of running. In the heat. And the sun. A very impressive accident, if I do say so myself.

After the race, I realized I had gotten a lot of sun. My shoulders and chest are pretty red. As I'm typing this at work, I can feel them burning. I need to buy some sport sunscreen pronto.

So there it is, Beach to Bay 2012. I think it will be an annual tradition from here on out.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


This week is probably going to be a little light. Here's what I've tentatively got planned.

  • Wednesday - 2 miles
  • Thursday - 2.5 miles
  • Friday - walk 2 miles with the dog/maybe zumba?
  • Saturday - Beach to Bay! (leg #6, 4.89 miles)
I am excited about Beach to Bay. I just hope it's not too damn hot. Especially because I'm doing the last leg and it's also the longest.

Last week I did great staying active while I was on my vacation. I went to the gym with my mom twice (and I actually lifted! This is a big deal for me). I did some lifting at home, as well. I would like to get a nice weight area set up there for myself. We've got all the bars and weights that I would need to do some good squats and deadlifts. I did zumba twice and it kicked my ass and I loved it.

Buuuuut, I still ate a lot. No amount of exercise can really cancel out the beer and the goldfish. I think I'm going to start tracking what I eat to stay accountable to myself and make sure I'm eating well and keeping my nutrition nice and balanced and healthy. I'd like to lose twenty-ish pounds over the next few months or so. I'm tired of feeling gross all the time.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

This week wasn't exactly as planned but I've been keeping active while I've been home. Here's how it looked:

  • Thursday - 3 mile fartlek run on the treadmill at the gym in 29:34
  • Friday - swimming + an hour of zumba 
  • Sunday - full body strength training and 15 minutes on the elliptical at the gym
I ended up not running the Race for the Cure for a few reasons. Reason #1 - not gonna lie, I was hungover from my brother's graduation party and didn't get nearly enough sleep. Reason #2 - I was (and still am) sore as hell from zumba. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


This week is going to be a little different since I'm traveling. I'm nixing the 7MM on Wednesday (not that I would do it anyway) since I'm leaving for home right after work.

  • Tuesday - 3 miles
  • Thursday - 2.5 miles
  • Friday - zumba (?)
  • Saturday - Race for the Cure 10K

I'm a little hesitant about doing zumba the day before the race because I bet I'll be sore. Buuuut that's okay. I'm not really looking to race too hard anyways.

After I got home from work yesterday, I slept for about 12 hours. It was glorious.

Saturday, May 5, 2012


I am struggling to find motivation these days. I haven't stopped running, but I am only doing about half of my runs that I plan out. This is what this week consisted of:
  • Tuesday - 2.69 miles in 25:30 (9:28 pace)
  • Saturday - 6.04 miles in 1:07:41 (11:12 pace)
Maybe I need to take a different approach to my running or something. Switch things up, get me motivated again. Or maybe I just need a little break. I'll get it soon, after these two upcoming races. I've got the Race for the Cure 10K in a week and Beach to Bay a week later. Maybe I'll take a week off after that. 

It's getting hot and humid, summer is coming. It's too hot for running in the summer. I should join a gym.