Friday, March 29, 2013

getting my ass back in gear.

Hi. Remember me? Nope, me either. I've been living the dream. You know, the dream that you have where work takes up your entire life and leaves you with not much room to breathe? Scratch that - let's label it a nightmare. Or, for all those employed in the recreation industry, we'll refer to it as Spring Break. I said goodbye to my weekends for the month of March and hello to ridiculous amounts of overtime. But I survived & I am coming out if it with a renewed mindset. I'm ready to get my ass back in gear (as the subject line suggests).

I am going to run my second half marathon in November. A few friends and I are going to do Rock 'n' Roll San Antonio together. I am excited and also dreading it. Excited to run another half marathon and pretend like I am a real life runner. Excited for the feeling of accomplishment. Excited to see my friends. Dreading the time and dedication training is going to require. Dreading running 13.1 miles in a row again. Dreading the post-race soreness.

But, it is a calling that I for whatever insane reason feel drawn to. Call it sadistic, self-torture, whatever you will (I mean... really - who willingly decides to run that much at once?! What is wrong with us?!) but I'm setting a goal and I will fucking achieve it. So stay out of my way, suckas.

Also - clean eating. We'll talk about this one a little later. But it needs to happen more often because I cannot live off a diet of chips and salsa any longer.